
Math GIFs

In my second year as a high school math instructor, the school that I was teaching at embarked on a 1 to 1 initiative.  Every student would have their own MacBook that they would be able to take home with them at night.  This concept sounded great, until I remembered in math you have to “show your work”…. Disheartened, I watched as other teachers in my building used the technology to increase engagement and comprehension, and became jealous.  As I was sitting in my self pity I happened to be scrolling through Instagram, and realized how much the app had changed over the years.  It seemed like there were more short videos and GIFs than actual pictures!  These short videos allowed individuals to share more of their experiences with their followers.  This was it!  I figured that if younger people are already consuming their media in motion, why should they learn statically?  I thought, How powerful would it be to have a notebook that showed you every line step by step?  Then, instead of spending time trying to figure out what was going on in your notes, you could spend more time practicing problems.  A few Google searches later, and MathGIF.com was created.



Mr. M



As I reflect back on my past experiences that led me to become the person I am today, I can’t help but think about how much my teachers played a role.  My love of mathematics was instilled in me by my high school Algebra teacher, Mr. Salyer; my thirst for knowledge by my seventh grade English teacher, Mr. Rhoden; and my passion for equity, by my Honors College Professor, Susan Hamill.  If these individuals had not made the choice to become and educator, there is no telling where I would have ended up.  Now that I myself am in the position to influence young minds, I step into the the classroom every morning ready to be MY students Mr. Salyer, Mr. Rhoden or Professor Hamill.

My name is Adam Mesewicz, and I am currently teaching mathematics at Holmes High School, located in the beautiful city of Covington, Kentucky.  In addition to my role as Algebra II  and A.P. Statistics instructor, on a normal day I serve as coach, tutor, teacher leader and a mentor.  I absolutely love what I do, and even though it can be stressful, I can’t imagine doing anything else.  For more information about my previous experience, my resume can be found here.